Daycare Cots

Choosing daycare cots can improve preschool quality time. Nap time is important. Children need a certain amount of sleep during the day to rest and recharge. Naps assist with learning new subjects, and naps help children to sleep better at night because it can be more difficult for children to fall asleep if they are overtired.

    Providing consistent nap times with preschool cots that are comfortable and provide other qualities ensures children fall asleep quickly and wake up feeling refreshed. Lets take a look at the features a preschool cot should have, their benefits and how to choose the right one for you.

    Provides Space

    Depending on the type of cot you choose, you can customize how your preschool cots fit in the room children nap in. Some are rounded while others are rectangular. Special stacking features allow for optimal storage because they easily fit within one another, which means you can stack and store twice as many cots within the same amount of space or preserve that space to store additional items.

    Easy Cleaning

    Sanitizing daycare cots helps to keep children safe. The comfortable fabric, Sof-Tex, is an easy-to-clean surface in the event dirt and other substances get on the cot.

    Sof-Tex is a natural, plant-based synthetic form of leather that allows for easy cleaning. Its spill resistant and stain resistant. This helps to reduce the amount of microbes that could otherwise grow on preschool cots.


    Sof-Tex fabric provides a soft feeling yet durable surface. This allows for supreme comfort, which will help children to sleep comfortably above the floor while the fabric helps to gently cradle each kid. Sof-Tex is the preferred fabric for vehicles and other surfaces because of the comfort it provides, durability and other features.

    Easy Storage and Portability

    Special daycare cots allow for easy storage and portability. Theyre lightweight, which allows for easy removal from their storage space. You can stack them, or place them sideways. You can also store them on shelves.

    These cots are also easy to move and place anywhere desired. Once nap time is over, you can quickly remove each cot from the nap area by stacking them and carrying a few at a time.


    Special daycare cots come in one-piece arrangements, so that you dont have to worry about screws coming loose and anything else that can cause problems or injuries. The materials used in our cots avoid pieces from tearing, breaking, fraying and other signs of damage to provide many years of use.

    Furnish Your Preschool Daycare With School Outlet

    You have a few preschool cots to choose from the School Outlet. One of the first things you will need to decide is the size of the preschool cot you will need for your daycare. You can choose a couple of sizes in case you have a few kids who are taller. Consider green cots for a happy and bright look, a calmer color like blue, or a few patterns.

    When you have made your selection of cots or nap mats, reach out to us today. Visit the School Outlet to choose the best preschool cots for your daycare.