Grants are pretty great, because its money you never have to pay back; however, grants aren't always the easiest to obtain, because, although your school may truly need the funding, you can never make it seem like you're just in it for the money. You must make a case for your school and why it needs certain grants more than other schools.
When you know what kind of grants youre looking for and all of the places you can search for grants, and you know how to write a killer grant proposal, then obtaining grants for your schools furniture needs can be as easy as 1-2-3. Lets get started.
Define the Problem/Specific Need
Finding grants that are applicable to your schools needs and applying for grants takes a lot of time and effort; however, its a necessary process when your school is in need of the funding. Therefore, make the process easier for yourself by pinpointing your schools issues and determine how additional funding can help resolve the issues.
Your #1 goal for finding the best grants for your school is to find grants that will fulfill the needs of your school in the best way. Having a clear understanding of why your school needs particular grants and how the grants will help your school will make writing the grant proposals in the future easier, and making the best case for why your school needs certain grants over other schools will make it more likely that your school will be awarded the grants.
Find Grants Relevant to Your Issue
Once you know what kind of grants youre looking for, then you need to know where to look for them. Coming up with ideas for what your school specifically needs and why it needs its requires some level of creativity, and so does searching for grants. You should definitely look for grants at all the go-to places, like government websites, but you dont want to overlook less-obvious sources, like local organizations and businesses that offer funding for schools.
Here are a few websites you can begin your grant search:
Visit the websites of government agencies on the federal, state, and local levels to look for school funding, like the U.S. Department of Education, National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Agriculture, your states education website, and your governors website. Check in with the mayor of your town or city, or check out his or her website, and be sure to look at local organizations and foundations to see what kind of funding opportunities they provide for schools.
One more thing you can do to ensure you are aware of every grant opportunity is to sign up for the mailing lists of granting agencies. Every time they post new grant solicitations, you will be one of the first people to know.
You know what your school needs and you know who can give it to you. Now its time to ask for it.
Basically, you want the ideas and theories in your grant proposal to reflect the grant and what its offering, and you want to answer this one question: why does your school deserve this grant over every other school? Present your ideas and theories in an organized and easy-to-read manner. And, if you cant do it yourself, then hire a professional writer.
Contact School Outlet
Visit School Outlets website to view our wide selection of school furniture and contact us to learn what we can do for you when you order in bulk. Give us a call at 877-398-6449 or fill out our online contact form with questions.